Friday, May 29, 2009

Helllooo !!! Helllooo ?.....
Hello ? These new phones
don't seem all that fancy,
Horrible Reception too.
And somehow it gave
my ear athletes' foot.

Those new fancy televion viewing machines
are a little too real for old Archie here.
Sadly, he never got to go on his balloon
ride :(
Walter here actually got some good
tunes out of this somehow,
until the retirement home burned
down... he doesn't get to go to the
electronics store unsupervised any

Why does my internet only tell me how to make microwaved lasagna ?

Yeah, we've all made that mistake. Pizza does resemble a remote control in one's autumn years.

The Future is a scary place indeed. In the year 2011 robots will most likely rule the world. If Transformers and The Terminator Movies have taught me anything, they will rebel. No matter how we program them, they were created by man, and if embodied with man's spirit, then free will is inevitable. Ok so I stole most of that sentence from The Animatrix, but it still holds true. In this future, the elderly will be helpless against these kill bots.

Welcome to Old People VS. Technology

I'm starting this blog to create awareness of the struggles the elderly have
with modern innovations, such as television, vcrs, mp3 players, internet,
microwaves, remote controls, and various other modern conveniences.